British Values


At Stonham Aspal Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School we value and include all pupils and families. Our school ethos, based on Christian values and supported by a variety of events and lessons, celebrate these. This approach is enriching for all parties as it exemplifies the fundamental British values of…


“democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual

respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and

beliefs.” Ofsted 2014


Ways in which our school supports fundamental British values include:

  • Involving pupils in the annual review of class and school rules
  • School Council
  • Eco School Council
  • A comprehensive and responsive PSHE curriculum
  • Promoting self-esteem and positive mental health and wellbeing
  • A carefully planned curriculum reflecting pupils needs
  • Whole school celebrations and events (eg. Church Services, Sports Day, Celebration assembly)
  • Nurture programme (ELSA)

 The key British values are:

  • Democracy 
  • Rule of Law
  • Individual liberty
  • Mutual respect
  • Tolerance of different cultures and religions


British Values and our Curriculum

Our curriculum explores the key British Values, for example, in the following ways: 

Democracy - School Council, House Teams, and through topics such as 'The Greeks'.

Individual Liberty - School Council, Behaviour Policy and strategies, and through topics such as World War One and World War Two. 

Mutual Respect and Tolerance - Behaviour Policy and strategies, School Council, Christian Ethos and Values, Life and Learning Skills, Religious Education (where all faiths are taught as we follow the Suffolk RE syllabus) and PSHE.