Welcome to Birch Class
Summer Term 2024
Mrs Honeywood & Mrs Bryant
Our Topic this term is:
Ancient Egypt
This term in English we will be writing a persuasive guide to visit Zeraffa at the Jardin des Plantes, based on the book 'Zeraffa Giraffa' by Diane Hoffmeyer. We will learn to use a variety of tenses and sentence types and simple organisational devices such as headings and subheadings to aid the presentation of our writing.
In line with the New National Curriculum, we will be working regularly to improve our spelling, grammar and punctuation.
Children will bring a reading book home each evening. Please listen to your child read for about 10-20 minutes a day. Reading books will need to be brought into school each morning to use during the school day.
This term in Maths, we will be looking at money, time, shape and statistics. We will also continue to learn the times tables.
In RE this term we will be investigating the questions:
What do Christians mean when they talk about the kingdom of God?
Why do Humanists use the Golden Rule as a basis for morality?
Things to Remember!
Homework will be given out on Fridays, to be completed for the following Friday.
P.E- P.E days this half term are Wednesday and Friday.
Bring a bottle of water for use in class and a healthy snack for break time.
Useful Links
Our school assessment system for Maths KS2
Our school assessment system for Writing KS2Class 3 Grammar Terminology
Statutory spellings for year 3 & 4