Collective Worship

We understand worship to be a special act or occasion whose purpose is to show reverence to and enjoy spending time with God. Collective worship involves all members of the school coming together and participating in an assembly. We expect everyone to take an active part in the assembly.


The aims and purpose of our collective worship are:

  •  to provide an opportunity for the children to worship God
  •  to enable children to consider spiritual and moral issues
  •  to enable children to explore their own beliefs
  •  to encourage participation and response
  •  to develop in children a sense of community spirit
  •  to promote a common ethos with shared values and to reinforce positive attitudes
  •  to teach children how to worship
  • to teach children about how Christian values and beliefs have played an important part in the history of our country and it’s development


    The weekly structure for our Collective Worship is:

    Monday : Open the Book

    Tuesday: Our Christian value of the half term

    Wednesday: Worship Team lead fortnightly Worship/Class based Collective Worship

    Thursday: Our life and learning skills

    Friday: Celebration

The headteacher or other members of staff normally conduct collective worship, but sometimes local clergy or other representatives of local religious groups conduct them instead.


 Prayer Space week


During the week of 20th November, all classes had the opportunity to visit St Mary and St Lambert Church to find out more about Prayer Space.

Prayer Space enables children to explore life questions, spirituality and faith in a safe, creative and interactive way.

Below are some photos of the activities the children took part in.


Prayer Space week 2023

Prayer spaces give children a way to explore personal reflection and prayer for themselves using a selection of engaging and creative activities.



Collective Worship at home - Quality Resources 


You may find the following websites and resources useful:

  1. Our School: together-apart.  Each worship / reflection time is designed for the children to do at home.  This may be with others in their household, including adults, with their siblings, or alone.   
  2. William and Lucy Resources freely available. This includes a book which guides children through the elements of worship and will help children to take ownership of setting up and leading collective worship at home. The second book is a book of Bible stories.  Canterbury worship at home
  • A Worship at Home weekly resource has also been created, including creative activities, think pieces, and prayers that can be used at home or at school. IsingPop have made many of their songs available on their YouTube channel, great for engaging children at home or school. St Albans worship





Please see our Policy page to view our Collective Worship and Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development Policy.