The school has its own kitchen, and healthy, nutritious meals are prepared and cooked. These are served in the hall.
Each meal currently costs £2.30, and payment should be made at the commencement of each school week. Payment may be made on termly or half-termly basis, in advance.
If a child is absent, the number of meals not taken will be credited to your child's account.
School meals should be paid for on the school Gateway
It is important to note that the school is not able to run a meals credit system. Meals must be paid for in advance or at the time.
Lunch boxes should be provided for those children who prefer packed lunches. Please ensure that any drinks – non-fizzy – are provided in sealed non-glass containers. Please also ensure that no nut products are included in lunch boxes as we have a number of children with nut allergies.
If you would like to find out more about the school meals provided by Lunchtime.co please click on the link below.
The menus for each week can be found on the following link.
In line with the New School Food Plan legislation, the school has now made mid-morning milk available to every child in school.
- Free milk continues to be available to all children under 5 years
- Free milk is provided for all children in receipt of statutory free school meal entitlement and shall be funded by school
- Subsidised milk is now available for all children over 5 years and is funded by those parents wishing to take up the offer
If you would like your child to receive subsidised milk, you may register online via the Cool Milk website
School will register those children under 5 or entitled to statutory free school meals on receipt of confirmation that the the child's information may be passed to Cool Milk.
Please contact Cool Milk if you require further information on 0844 854 2913