Welcome to the Stonham Aspal PTA page


The PTA (Parent Teacher Association) is a group of volunteer parents and teachers who work together to make our school a better environment for children to learn. We are not fundraising specialists, but we aim to raise extra funds for the school through a wide range of fun and creative initiatives, events and much, much more. Every pound put into the PTS goes back to providing something for your children.

PTAs can also be known as HAS, PA, PTFA, Friends of, or better still, Superheroes!

We have fundraised for:

  • Contribution to the school running track
  • A new PTA shed for supplies/ storage
  • Contributions for the school Conservation Area
  • The gazebos for Sports Day/outdoor events
  • A Whole School Science Day
  • Performers for specific days- for example, Greek Day
  • A Crucial Crew day - for Year 6 students to develop skills/ independence
  • Performers for the Christmas pantomime
  • Transport costs for school trips
  • A reading scheme

All of our funds either reduce or remove the costs passed on to you. (Even though in a round-about way you have paid for them!)

We have a notice board at the front of the school (on the front all, by the Class 4 windows) which has been recently filled with all the fun events we have coming up. Please have a quick look as you walk into the school. We will try to keep this updated to enable you all to know what is coming up for the next term.


We have a separate website from the school, www.pta-events.co.uk/stonhamaspal which enables us to set up events and take payment. These funds go directly into our PTA bank account and this money is distributed as our committee sees fit.

If you would like to become more involved and join any of our meetings/plan events/help, we are always looking for new recruits. Please email us at stonhamaspalpta@gmail.com

We also have a Facebook and Instagram Page @stonhamstars

I hope this goes a little way into answering some of your questions, and if you have any more, please do not hesitate to contact us by any of the means above.





Did you know that whenever you buy anything online – from your weekly shop to your annual holiday – you could be raising free donations for Stonham Aspal PTA with easyfundraising?

There are over 4,000 shops and sites on board ready to make a donation – including eBay, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS, Booking.com and M&S – and it won’t cost you a penny extra to help us raise funds.
All you need to do is:
1. Click below and join for free.
2. Every time you shop online, go to easyfundraising first to find the site you want and start shopping.
3. After you’ve checked out, the retailer will make a donation to Stonham Aspal PTA at no extra cost to you whatsoever!
There are no catches or hidden charges and Stonham Aspal PTA will be really grateful for your donations.
Thank you for your support.