We are proud to be able to offer a friendly breakfast and afterschool club, Monday to Fridays, term time only, giving parents the flexibility of an extended day.

It is run on site by members of staff from our school.


Breakfast Club

Children arrive between 8am – 8:20am and will be offered a choice of a breakfast snack, including cereal, toast, bars, fruit or yoghurt and fruit juice, flavoured milk, milk or water to drink.

After breakfast, children have a choice of activities, including board games, colouring and drawing.

At 8:45 children are taken to class, ready for morning registration.


After School Club

Children meet straight from their class at the end of the school day and can stay with us until 5pm.

They are offered a snack and fruit juice or water.

After their snack, the children can choose from a range of activities including board games, colouring, drawing, and weather (and light) permitting we take full advantage of our outdoor space.


The Costs

Breakfast club is £5 per child, per session.

After School club is £8 per child, per session.


If you would like your child to attend either or both sessions please complete the forms below and return them to the school office.

Registration form

Terms and conditions


You can request printed copies of all forms by contacting the school office.



Wrap Around Care contact details during sessions.

01449 711 346